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Writer's pictureCharlotte Brielle

🤍 El Amor es Fácil (Love is Easy) 🤍

Dearest Birthworkers, Friends, and Family,


As I sit here trying to write this letter, I find myself fumbling over words to express my awe and appreciation for the incredible women who joined us in Ecuador. Women of all ages and backgrounds, all united by a shared heartbeat for birthwork. It was incredible to witness how quickly we created a safe container for everyone to be seen and held in their authenticity and vulnerability - the epitome of a bunch of doulas fully showing up for one another. Crossing paths with humans they might not otherwise meet in this lifetime, now bonded for life.

There were two main lines that stood out and were repeated regularly on our trip.

The first - Jempue, Martha's 5-year-old son, who spends his days absorbing the world around him, stated a simple truth one evening: "El amor es fácil!" (Love is easy). His words, spoken with innocence and purity, resonated with us all. We get so caught up in the complexities of love, the grief and heaviness in this world, that we can forget just how easy love can be. Holding a newborn baby is a great reminder.

And the other line was the wonderful Kahlil Kuykendall saying she felt Pregnant... (long pause resulting in a bunch of doulas gasping)... with Possibility. Pregnant with Possibility. Ready to bring new ideas to life.

Exciting Collaboration and Fundraiser


The heart and soul of Wombs of the World lie in the transformative journeys we facilitate, the commitment to ensuring that every mother receives the respect and quality care they deserve. Today, I'm elated to share a unique collaboration with a dear childhood friend and incredible artist, Olivia Jane.


Olivia and I have shared countless memories since we were 8 years old. Her journey, much like mine, has been steeped in travel, understanding diverse cultures, and a fervent commitment to social justice. Drawing from her well-traveled experiences and her unmatched talent for transformation, Olivia has painted a mesmerizing 3ft by 3ft custom artwork that reflects WotW's dreams, hopes, and values.


Every hue and brushstroke in this painting holds a story, a promise, and our shared vision. By making this masterpiece a part of your collection, whether in a birth center, women’s clinic, or your personal space, you're not just celebrating art but also championing a cause dear to countless hearts.


Priced at $5000, this artwork embodies our mission and passion. If you, or someone you know, is interested in this piece, please reach out to us at

In other news...


We have a few spots open for our 2024 trips to Ecuador, with journeys planned for February, April, May, June, August, and November. These consistent trips significantly impact the community in Cotacachi, providing sustainable income for visionary midwives who bring transformative projects to life (everyone is pregnant with possibility!). APPLY TODAY!


In the coming year, we are also thrilled to offer online courses dedicated to supporting birthworkers. This initiative marks an exciting expansion of our mission to empower those at the heart of maternal health. More about this coming soon!


As 2023 draws to a close, I want to extend a special thank you to Jenny Ingram, our "Administrative Doula". Her brilliant, organized, and visionary mind has been instrumental to our mission. Cheers to Jenny!


My gratitude also extends to the entire Wombs of the World community. Thank you for your support, for joining our trips, and for contributing to the betterment of maternal health. Thank you for your commitment to this vital work.


Love is indeed easy.


From my heart to yours,



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